Cinnamon energy balls

With just six ingredients, these low-fat cinnamon energy balls provide a sweet and filling cinnamon snack.
Because these balls are so lightweight, they are ideal for road trips, long walks, hiking, packing lunches for kids, and any time you want to munch on the go. To ensure you always have a little pleasure on hand, they can also be frozen!
Energy balls with cinnamon rolls are raw, vegan, nutritious, and gluten-free. They taste exactly like oozy cinnamon buns, believe it or not! Oats, cashews, and dates are the ingredients of these energy nibbles.
You will fall for these chewy, soft, and sweet energy balls if you enjoy cinnamon!

Time taken: 10 minutes
Makes: 12-14 Balls


  • ½ tsp + 1 tsp of cinnamon
  • ½ cup of oats, ideally quick oats
  • 1 cup of tightly packed Medjool dates (around 15 dates)
  • 1 cup raw unsalted cashews
  • 1 tsp + ½ tsp of vanilla extract
  • ½ teaspoon salt.


  1. Grind the oats until they are somewhat broken down.
  2. Once a thick, sticky dough that is simple to press between your fingers develops, stir in the other ingredients (cinnamon, dates, cashews, vanilla extract, and salt).
  3. With your hands, roll the dough into balls or press it to make bars.
  4. Coat the balls in shredded coconut or a mixture of coconut sugar and cinnamon for added flavor.
You can also add chocolate chips, chia seeds, raisins, or other spices as per your taste and make variations.