Licorice Root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) - Powder

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Organic Herbs

  • Licorice root powder improves the flavor of herbal teas and other recipes since it has a naturally sweet flavor.
  • It eases discomfort and supports healthy digestion.
  • The anti-inflammatory chemicals found in licorice root help to lessen inflammation in the body.
  • Licorice root powder relieves respiratory pain and encourages clean breathing because of its potential expectorant properties.
  • It helps women maintain hormonal balance and treat symptoms brought on by hormonal changes.



The licorice root powder is used to flavor candies, beverages, and pharmaceuticals. It is an ancient herbal remedy to treat viral infections and some skin disorders. It is antibacterial and antiviral, and it can help reduce skin irritation, acne, and eczema.

Although studies show that it can help with acid reflux and indigestion, it is always best to contact a doctor before taking licorice because it might have dangerous side effects.

When applied to the problematic area, licorice root powder can also help you get rid of skin tanning and pigmentation naturally.

Place of Origin :

Have you heard?

Licorice can also aid in the removal of excess oil from the scalp, fostering healthy hair development.

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